Wednesday 2 May 2012

Mexico Screenshots

Here's the final screenshots of Mexico and this is probably my favourite level. I really like the use of colours and they have meaning. I believe it represents Mexico brilliantly, yes theres plenty of room for improvement with certain colours. I wish I used different Colour for the Hat as it dosent stand out very well, and maybe include a few sombrero's on the floor as You might not be able to see them when it comes to experimenting with camera views on Unity. The colours of the sauces really work, Gives that mexican hot spicy feel and texture which I wanted. It should work really well with the animations such as the rolling barritos and lifts. I also wish I went with the idea of decapitating some of the heads of the peppers at the end of the level, cause I added the red blood like texture deliberately to represent that of a ancient mayan tradition in where they used to chop peoples heads of as a sacrifice to the gods. Iyt would have looked great and added that dark feeling but I would not have gone too over the top as our games is aimed towards younger people swell, Just were trying to give the game a more edgy appeal. I also really like the way the mexican sun dish has turned out. I deliberately included this beacause of how the Mayans used to worship the sun. Overall i'm really pleased with how mexico has turned out indeed. 

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