Wednesday 2 May 2012

Texturing To Now

I spent the next few days texturing some of the assets, and was really happy of the results, the toon like effect i was doing on maya was looking very good and I was really getting into a rhythm and trying to keep the project as consistant as possible. Id just leave an outline on the edges and looked really good. Mexico especially was looking really good, I kept to very similar colours and it worked a treat, it makes the texturing look so clean and neat. One problem I did have was cubes and triangles were easy to use this effect wit due to the straight lines and edges but spheres and cylinders were a lot more challenging. I start of by doing out lines on some of the subdivisions and looked alright and worked on some of the assets but others it just didn't look right. So after a bit more experimentation and advice I found this technique best, because its a 2d side scrolling game and the camera will be fixed and you won't be able to see behind the textures the plan was to add an outline on the edge of the part of the asset which will shown on the camera when playing the game similar to the ice cream screenshot which can be seen below. It was also a lot less time constraining as you wasn't having to include as many black outlines and still looked great. I did have comparisons between the two but due to an unfortunate event which happened and I will mention in the next blog post i lost the comparison and wasn't  keen on redoing it on purpose to recreate the comparison you will have to trust me. I'm really happy with most of the textures. One of the most happy accidents was with chocolate fondue waterfall. I was just playing around with texturing and struck across this gold, literally through just messing around I textured half of it white and black for no real reason as the plan was on unity to include a chocolate waterfall so it really didn't matter what colours I used at this stage. As a result this was created and it looks magnificent and i added pink, as it just struck me it looks like Napoleon Ice cream I believe its called, which contains 3 flavours which are vanilla, chocolate and strawberry, so we decided to go with this new design. We still plan on having the chocolate river surrounding the ice creame for the boat to travel across.

Something I'm not as keen on is the tomato ketchup which we have recently added so its still going to be a bit raw, but this looks too much like blocked colours and not nearly as interesting.  In idea I came up with is that for items such as Tomato Ketchup, Fries, Chicken Bucket, Burger Boxes and cans we should make them more interesting by having a logo, but not any ordinary logo. Something which incorporates the main character Ned Bunsem for some tongue in cheek humour such as Neds Chickelicious Bucket with a cheesy image of himself on just to spice the level up a bit and make it more interesting. However With both of us busy on our respective areas we mentioned we could try seek help from a graphic designer to come up with the logos for us to use. I have a few graphic designer friends we could contact or even wait till after the deadline for when we revisit, as Chris on our course who has a graphic back line said he would be interested, or even myself as i have a graphics background.

Another problem I had was with the Cupcake on the start of the Canada level i think I was a bit too cautious on saving polygons as its supposed to be a round shape, however I think I deleted too many subdivisions as it looks too much like a pentagon, and when it comes to texturing it just dosent look right so I might have to go back and either remodel the asset or delete, theres a few issues i have with the start of Canada, I feel theres too many colour clashes and I plan on playing around. Overall I'm really happy with the direction and is a huge stepping stone forward and yes there is plenty of room for improvement but overall Im loving the appearance of mexico and that has set the bar high and the goal now is to get the other 2 levels to that bar, if not higher.

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