Monday 13 February 2012

Canada Introduction

Ok first off I am going to start by researching and developing potential ideas for the canadian part of the level, the idea of this section of the game is you cross through a canadian influenced dish / world, containing famous landmarks and well known canadian culture, which has been turned into food and drink, for example during our discussions as a team we thought of ideas such as Chocolate mouses, Maple syrup lakes and trees shaped like the maple leaf. Just some generic ideas. We thought of some potential landmarks we could create such as the famous tower in Toronto and the Vancouver Bridge. However i think its important at this stage to get a better feel to Canada, and research into famous chefs, popular dishes and what peoples general opinion of Canada is, I have Canadian ancestors, and know of people who used to live in the area so I can ask into there guidance. one potential problem we discussed is that were not familiar with any Canadian dishes, and would the players be who are not as familiar with the area or culture. We have narrowed it down and decided to do Canada as a kind of dessert dish, as Canada is well known for its snow and tremendous landscrape, so the snow and ice of canada makes connections with icing sugar, cream, ice cream, due to the colour and texture so it potentially suits well. We have plenty of research to to but we have narrowed it down so we can focus on an area and develop.

Just looking around the internet, I was looking at what peoples thoughts of Canada was, The general opinion was that these words described Canada :

Ice Hockey
Beautiful Landcrapes
Winter Olympics
Log Cabins
Maple Leafs
Maple Syrup
C8 Rifle
French Canadians
Niagra Falls
Sparsly Populated

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