Monday 6 February 2012

Main Character, Ned Bunsem Designs

After planning the main character together i began to start my role by coming up with character designs without going too in depth into detail and focus more on the facial area. The reason why i focused on the facial area had been due to the fact that i already had the body design figured out as we wanted the character to be overweight and nerdy. So focusing on the facial area we wanted the character have quite a chubby face with neat and tidy hair and glasses. The designs that i had come up with became clear as i went on that there wasn't many variations that can be created as they all seem to look similar so i took a few of the designs that stood out and would work with the character description that we had come up with and from there i developed more designs from the designs that i felt worked well. I came up with around 45 variations of the character description and started to get a general idea of what i wanted to go with as further development. From the many variations i narrowed down my favourite designs to six and developed them further by fully sketching the body layout. The addition of the bodies to the head of the character designs became ever more clear to the focus of one design for our main character. The first design that i had developed further seemed to have potential from the head design but as the body was added it became too boring of a design which isn't what we wanted as our main character who we felt could be relatable and sympathised for his determination for the food landmarks safety. The second design is much clearer of what we wanted and is looked at as one of the choices of being the visuals of our main character as he encompasses that nerdy outlook as well the likability towards him because he is a regular guy. The third is definatley not going to be our main character design this is solely because the character design is much more of an elderly character from the clothing he wears as well as the way he is shaped as it looks like he is fed up and tired. The fourth design is another potential as being the main character as he fits the overweight design perfectly and along with the nerdy clothing of a shirt and tie and trousers he seems like a character that the audience will instantly like. The fifth design on the right of the character sheet is another which isn't going to be chosen because he seems too much like a teenager from his braces to his high trousers the character seems too much of a high school nerd. The final design on the bottom, center of the sheet is perhaps front runner of the main character spot, this is because the character fits the overweight description without going too overboard such as the fourth design and thinking of the amount of weight the character is going to be over is an aspect i looked at towards the gameplay as this would limit speed, jump height and other areas of gameplay. Also the character design is not too young or too old but fits the nerdy, overweight adult description and just becomes a design which is likeable to the audience.

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