Thursday 23 February 2012

Game Update

Me and Ifraz met up today and discussed some potential ideas in which direction we should take the game. We talked about the gameplay and the interface of the iPad and the controls, swell as some further ideas on the enemies.

Ned Bunsen Gameplay

Moving on towards Ned, we have provided him hopefully with very simple controllers for the casual market. Obviously the way in which the character moves, were thinking of just having him do a steady walk, cause after all he is a fat out of shape character, so he won't be able to run but not to slow. He can jump, just enough for him to be able to dodge attacks from cockroaches, and were thinking of having him been able to duck but were not finalised on that idea yet. For the conrol pad where thinking of having a slider in the bottom left hand of the screen, which will slide to one side depending on the direction you want the character to move in, As well as having a jump button which will on the bottom left. One of the main features of gameplay in which is designed to be compatible with the iPad touch screed devices. When ned the main character shoots we want to have it so you flick the gun in a certain direction which will shoot at the enemies, and the harder you flick the faster the shot will be. This feature will kind of make it into more of a action packed frenzy game. add a lot more excitement value. We have also decided that Ned can shoot backwards aswell, and in many directions very fluently and fast as we are planning on including quite a few enemies within 1 screen however we want to get the balance right so we don't completly ruin the landscape and with the game been playable on iPad the size of the screen is something we really have to consider. Another special abilility is that incase you run out of ammo or you just want to use this as a weapon you have the ability to fart which works the same as the shooting motion you just flick towards the characters however this doesn't kill them, it only numbs them, so if you wanted you could fart then switch to gun and shoot, it will only keep the enemies numb for around 5 seconds. Were thinking of having a button on the tool left maybe which you can switch between powers, also the farts are unlimited however we like the idea that you have to shake the iPad which will fill up then you fart. which will release 3 flicks before you have to shake again.

Enemies Gameplay

We've decided to come up with another character to the game which will be flys which Ifraz will be designing, to add to the Cockroaches. The flys will not be at floor level and be in the sky or on the landscape, however when they see the player they will react and come towards the character. Thats when this gameplay feature comes into action which we have previously mentioned. Were thinking no more than 5 enemies on the screen at once. The idea of the flys is that if they touch ned you loose a hit point, were not decided on how many hit points your allowed as I think that should wait till we test the difficulty of the level. The cockroaches will be armed with a gun swell. and they will fire at you which you can avoid by jumping. If the gun shot hits you were thinking of instant death, as the gun they have will be some kind of poison as there involvement in the story is there trying to poison the food. They will walk in a cycle like guards and when they see you they attack. Also you have to shoot the cockroaches in the front as the harden shell well protect them from your fire.

Whilst were pretty much decided on Neds gun were not allowing you unlimited ammo, and were making the player have to refill by when you go past a checkpoint you will be back to full ammo, similar to a refill station, or maybe not a checkpoint, depends on level design. The other idea was checkpoint at end of every dish. Depending on what part of the level you are, for example Canada is a desert level, so the gun will be firing potentially a chocolate sauce, or cream. we haven't decided on this yet. Then for the main meal which is in America a tomato ketchup gun. And in Mexico were thinking of a kind of salsa sauce.

Heres a quick sketch I did of what to potential user face for the game could be.

Theres still a lot we need to plan, but for this session we came up with a lot of potential ideas to develop. Theres still areas we need to look into such as health bars, story, Combo System and the genre.

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