Monday 6 February 2012

Main Character, Ned Bunsem Turnarounds

From the six designs that i narrowed down to, i began to look at narrowing the designs even further so i chose three out of the six designs to further develop into turnaround which allow me to look at what the character would look like from front, back and side which would be the main aspect of the characters design that would be visible throughout the game level. So i began by choosing the first character design which had potential in the fact that although he had been too much of an overweight design he could still be shown a little skinnier so i took that design and began to make the front, side and back view of the character and with the design from the beginning looking like it had potential, once i had completed the turnaround i felt that that potential had gone. The reason for this was due to the character looking much skinnier than his much overweight of a previous design and for that it lost all of the character descriptive quality we were looking for.

The second design that i had chosen to go along with to further develop was the character design that i felt that fit the slightly overweight and especially nerdy design because of the usual shirt and tie and up high trousers along with the pocket protector showed that the character is very nerdy and allowed me to take the design further into a turnaround. From the turnaround the character started to become a little over the weight that i initially designed and also the aspect of the back and side views made the character look out of place and seem much different from the initial front view which made the character design more eye catching.

The final image is the design that i feel has more potential after having the turnaround done than the first design, as the first design stood out, the character was overweight which enabled him to look rounded and that to me grabbed my attention and choice to further develop the character design. Once i began to design the turnaround i started to grasp the idea that this design could become the main characters visual representation and felt that this was because not only was the character overweight but it enabled him to be shaped much more rounded. However my only concern is the side view which is the pivotal view in the gameplay aspect and thats because i feel the charcaters design becomes much more wider.

After finishing off the turnarounds i spoke to Tom about which design to choose and take into the next stage of concept art and after much of the discussion he decided as well as myself to go with the final design. The choice of the final design was based on the fact that out of all the designs the final one had the more overall design from side, front and back views and regarding the side view issue that i had Tom told me that the view wouldn't be straight on the side view but would allow some of the front view to come into play. Also the design fit the description that we had for the character much closer and from the design the character has that likability about him because he is just a simple guy who you can relate to his obsession as we all are obsessed with something and he is trying to keep his food landmarks intact and you are on this journey with him.

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