Monday 27 February 2012

Ned Bunsem Modelled

After taking a break and lowering the weapons polycount i returned back and started to finish the model of Ned Bunsem by completing the modelling of his arm and hand and then added the glasses after mirroring the model of Neds body as most of his shape and body is symmetrical where as his hair and the freckles on his right cheek are not but i will be adding them through the texture process. I think looking back at this model there is room for improvement, just like anything else but i feel that where i am at it and comparing it to my previous model this model shows my modelling skills have improved to where the model is much smoother and the methods of coming up with a model such as Ned as i learned to keep any figure modelling in a T-pose and to work from a cube and extract into the shape you are working with. Considering the amount of faces used in the model my thoughts are at a stage where i am confident in the stage at which the model is currently at but feel that their is an improvement that can be made where i could lose faces and once again i believe that working at the scale i am currently at is why i am trying to go into much detail with the modelling of the character and as this model is aimed at IOS and Android devices which had been reminded to me from one of the feedback i received, then perhaps the need for a lower amount of faces is expected and i should lower the faces but when doing so i came across many faults in the shape of the model and when removing certain edge loops that they will become a problem once animating so i had decided that i will try to keep the model at the current stage where i do believe it is at a level which acceptable for an IOS and Android platform.

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